
Monday, May 26, 2014

Science Road Show

Have you ever been to a science road show before? Well, last Friday our class and class five went down to Tamaki College for a science road show. For those who don’t know what a science road show is? It travels all around the country and it’s a show that contains science.

We all had to bring in eight dollars to go watch the road show. On Friday morning we went down to Tamaki College for the road show. As soon as we got there this tall man Shane came and told us some instructions and then we went into the hall.

The first show was really cool. After the first show we went and looked at different kinds of science experiments. My favourite experiment was finding out what was the bounciest ball. But then I kinda dislocated my index finger.

They then called us back for the second show and then Glen Taylor came. The second show was about explosions and they fired up two balloons but the balloons were different colours. They made a really big difference because the blue balloon was a little explosion but the red balloon made a really big explosion and you could feel the hotness of the fire.

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